Friday, September 21, 2012

Taste IS Everything!

On July 11, I started taking Terbinafine for a toe nail fungus as prescribed by my Podiatrist.  Because he failed to tell me about any possible side effects, I was unaware it was the culprit when I started losing taste of foods.  At first it was just slight, but it kept getting worse, until I completely lost all taste or worse, some things tasted horrible.  A cookie or bread tasted like wallpaper paste.  Water or any liquid has a horrid taste.  Yes, I said, "Has" because even though I quit taking them after 53 days, on Sept 2nd, I still have very little taste.  I have found that I can slightly taste Mexican food like Refried Beans, Burritos, Tortilla Chips, so that is mostly what I've been living on.  Consequently I have continued to lose weight.  I am now down to 354.5 lbs, 113 total, or 93 on Medifast.

By the way, I only found out it was the Terbinafine/Lamisil when I started looking on the Internet for why I was losing my taste.  Seems this is quite common with this prescription as is the absence of Podiatrists telling their patients about it!

I'm hoping to get back my sense of taste before we go back to Florida on November 8th.