Sunday, November 27, 2011

Cheating, Challenges & Changes!

I've been really struggling this month, in fact I've only lost 1 lb in 3 weeks!  But, I'm pretty sure I KNOW why....I've been eating too much Peanut Butter.  I'm allowed 1 TBL per day, but I've been eating up to 1/4 cup or more per day.  I'm sure this has taken me out of ketosis because of the amount of sugar in PB.

I got through Thanksgiving ok.  We went to Joe & Donita's house and Joe fixed a turkey without basting with butter, so I had a turkey leg and some green beans.  I skipped all the trimmings for the first time in decades.  Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday because I am addicted to food and it was the one day I felt empowered to give in to gluttony all day!  I even loved the turkey & mayo sandwiches for days afterwards.  Anyway, I feel great being able to stay On Program! 2 of our 5 grandkids ate with us, so it was really great! It was the older ones that are living away from home now, so it was extra special that they took time to be with us.  My granddaughter told me I looked like a new person!  What a great NSV!

I had quite a challenge tonight....attended the Christmas Show & Dinner of our Son-in-law's Magic Club. Tickets were $16 each, so I paid for the meal that consisted of Black Beans and Yellow Rice, Roasted Chicken, Roasted Pork, Platanos & Cuban Bread, along with various deserts. As we FF's (Former Fatties) know, turning down food we paid for is the hardest, but with the Lord's help, I only ate what I felt safe with, the Roasted Chicken. I waited until I got home to eat a salad.

Also, I need to come clean and admit that at my last weigh-in on Thursday I actually gained .1 lb! I've decided to re-start as if I'm just extras, no exercising for 3 weeks, just like I started out. (I began this on Friday!)

Week 1 = 12 lbs........ Week 11 = 2.9 lbs
Week 2 = 5.7 lbs....... Week 12 = 3.9 lbs
Week 3 = 3.3 lbs....... Week 13 = 3.2 lbs
Week 4 = 7.3 lbs....... Week 14 = No Change
Week 5 = 4.1 lbs....... Week 15 = 1.1 lbs
Week 6 = 1.9 lbs....... Week 16 = + .1 lbs
Week 7 = 5.4 lbs
Week 8 = .9 lbs
Week 9 = 4.5 lbs
Week 10 = 2.8 lbs

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Some Adjustments

We are settling into our winter home and adjusting quite well to being able to walk every day it doesn't rain, without having to put on a jacket or coat!  Temps in the 70's and 80's are just great.

I've been working on getting up and running as a Health Coach with Take Shape For Life, so I can help others achieve the great results I am experiencing.

Weigh-in was today and I lost another 3.2 lbs!!!  With just a little over 8 lbs left on my original goal, I have decided it is time to make an adjustment on my goal to my ultimate goal of 250 lbs.  Originally I had planned to get to 280, go through Transition and stay at that goal on Maintenance for 2 years, then come back to the 5 & 1 to lose the additional 30 lbs.  But, talking to many experts and those more experienced with Medifast, I have decided to go for it all this time, especially since the losses are continuing at this rate.

In addition to the weight loss, I have dropped from size 54 pants to size 42!!!!  I went through my closet here in Florida and am taking 2 large leaf bags full of clothes that no longer fit, to the Hospice Store.  I have even more than this back home in the basement in Des Moines to take to Goodwill!

Week 1 = 12 lbs........ Week 11 = 2.9 lbs
Week 2 = 5.7 lbs....... Week 12 = 3.9 lbs
Week 3 = 3.3 lbs....... Week 13 = 3.2 lbs
Week 4 = 7.3 lbs
Week 5 = 4.1 lbs
Week 6 = 1.9 lbs
Week 7 = 5.4 lbs
Week 8 = .9 lbs
Week 9 = 4.5 lbs
Week 10 = 2.8 lbs