Thursday, November 3, 2011

Some Adjustments

We are settling into our winter home and adjusting quite well to being able to walk every day it doesn't rain, without having to put on a jacket or coat!  Temps in the 70's and 80's are just great.

I've been working on getting up and running as a Health Coach with Take Shape For Life, so I can help others achieve the great results I am experiencing.

Weigh-in was today and I lost another 3.2 lbs!!!  With just a little over 8 lbs left on my original goal, I have decided it is time to make an adjustment on my goal to my ultimate goal of 250 lbs.  Originally I had planned to get to 280, go through Transition and stay at that goal on Maintenance for 2 years, then come back to the 5 & 1 to lose the additional 30 lbs.  But, talking to many experts and those more experienced with Medifast, I have decided to go for it all this time, especially since the losses are continuing at this rate.

In addition to the weight loss, I have dropped from size 54 pants to size 42!!!!  I went through my closet here in Florida and am taking 2 large leaf bags full of clothes that no longer fit, to the Hospice Store.  I have even more than this back home in the basement in Des Moines to take to Goodwill!

Week 1 = 12 lbs........ Week 11 = 2.9 lbs
Week 2 = 5.7 lbs....... Week 12 = 3.9 lbs
Week 3 = 3.3 lbs....... Week 13 = 3.2 lbs
Week 4 = 7.3 lbs
Week 5 = 4.1 lbs
Week 6 = 1.9 lbs
Week 7 = 5.4 lbs
Week 8 = .9 lbs
Week 9 = 4.5 lbs
Week 10 = 2.8 lbs

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