Monday, April 23, 2012

Back in COLD Iowa, but Metabolism is working again!!!

Just had to pop back in to tell y'all that my metabolism seems to be back working again and I'm down 3.6 lbs from my goal!!!  In "Habits of Health," Dr. Andersen says it may take a few months after you reach Maintenance before your metabolism starts working properly again.

I think we came back north to Iowa too soon because it has been very cold, some mornings bitter the 30's.  Lawn almost needed a hay baler. :)  We have been kept busy working in the yard and shopping for clothes after I took 4 leaf bags full of my old FAT clothes to Goodwill!  Finding Polo Shirts with a pocket at a reasonable price has been the most difficult.

When I turned the water back on it the house, we had a leak in the faucet in the tub in the upstairs bathroom, so we had to get a plumber out to fix that = $182!  It has been so cold that I have had to keep a space heater running next to my desk on the level just above the basement.  Our furnace is making an awful noise, so we are finally replacing it along with the A/C, both of which are original equipment....the house was built in 1961.   Also replacing the built in oven this week, which is the same age.  For some time now we have had to add time on all recipes we put in the oven because it was losing its power.  Took forever to heat up too!  The quickness of the one in Florida convinced us it was time to replace this one.

IF it warms up this week, I plan to get air in the bike tires and give that a whirl.  Because of the cold weather, all my walking has been in Malls.

Weight = 261.4

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