Thursday, September 29, 2011

Lowest weight loss so far...

Just .9 lb lost this week.  Body must be doing some adjusting.

Beginning body measurements:

Upper Arms: 17 in.
Chest: 50in.
Waist: 58in.
Hips: 51.5in.
Thighs: 26.5in.

Upper Arms: 15in.
Chest: 48in.
Waist: 53in.
Hips: 47.7in.
Thighs: 23in.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday means time to get weighed.....

Well, another Thursday, which means weigh-in time.  I must have gained some since Tuesday at the Doctor's office (I wear size 14 shoes and I know they & jeans weigh more than 1.2 lbs), but I KNOW it will all be coming off soon, so I'm still happy to report the loss of another 5+ pounds of FAT!!!  Yay!! 

Week 1 = 12 lbs
Week 2 = 5.7 lbs
Week 3 = 3.3 lbs
Week 4 = 7.3 lbs
Week 5 = 4.1 lbs
Week 6 = 1.9 lbs
Week 7 = 5.4 lbs

Twoterville is just around the corner!!! 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Another meal challenge & a GREAT Doctor's Office Visit!

On Saturday, our Senior Group at  out church had breakfast at a Shelter House on Saylorville Lake, just north of Des Moines.  It was 52* and windy, but we had a great time.  Before going I fixed 2 waffles with my MF Pancake mix, put SF Syrup on it, put on a paper plate and covered with alum foil and took it along.  They were serving pancakes, cinnamon rolls, chocolate cake with sauce, eggs, sausage, lots of different kinds of fruit and coffee.  While they were eating their food, I unwrapped mine and ate it and enjoyed AND stayed OP!!!

Later that morning friends of ours that farm down by Pella came for a visit and we took them to Cracker Barrel for lunch, and I had the trout on the Low Carb menu, so I stayed OP all day!

Today, Tuesday, I had an appointment at Mercy Sleep Center, my yearly checkup for Sleep Apnea and to get my CPAP machine checked.  Well, I am pumped!!! I just had the most exciting experience ever at a Doctor's office. In the past I dreaded stepping on the scale at the Doctor's office, (You always weigh much more at the Doctor's office because you are dressed and have shoes on! ) but today at Mercy Sleep Center I saw 308 for the first time in a long time. (And I don't have my official weigh-in for another 2 days!) Then, everyone got super excited and congratulated me on how well I'm doing, down 55 lbs since my last visit a year ago! The Doctor, the nurse and the assistants all were amazed and congratulating me! And, you know, I was loving it! LOL! And, I was talking up the benefits of Medifast to them all too!

Twoterville, here I come~!!!  (MF term for getting to the 200's weight range)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Grilling, weighing, celebrating and planning....

Another Thursday, so time to face the scales……

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Taco Salad - First Try

Taco Salad

7 oz of 99% fat free lean ground turkey - should yield 5.25 oz (3/4 Lean)
2 tsp low sodium taco seasoning mix (3 Condiments)
2 tbsp water
2 cups lettuce, chopped (2 Green)
1/2 cup tomatoes, chopped (1 Green)
1 oz or 1/4 cup 2% reduced fat Mexican Cheese (1/4 Lean)
2 tbsp Hidden Valley Light Ranch Dressing (1 Healthy Fat)

Brown ground beef in a skillet. (Obviously this recipe was adapted from beef and changed to turkey, because there was nothing to drain and I need way more water so the seasoning mix would blend with the meat.) Drain the fat and return to the pan. Stir in the water and taco seasoning mix. Simmer for about 5 minutes. Serve meat over lettuce and tomatoes. Sprinkle with cheese and add the salad dressing. Enjoy!

Dr. Wayne Andersen

On Thursday we went to Jordan Creek Town Center.  While Maryann was shopping, Darby and I walked around the interior of the mall.  After going around one time, we met my younger brother, Dan, and proceeded to go around another 2 times!  My brother says that 5 times equals 4 miles.  I know I walked for 45 minutes.

Went to my Dr. and my BP was 128/78.  He was happy with me being on Medifast and with the goal that I have set.  He said he would rather I pick a reasonable weight that I can maintain than an unreasonable one that will cause me to put it all back on again!

On Friday, I attended the Seminar put on by Dr. Wayne Andersen, co-founder of Take Shape For Life (TSFL). It wasn't exactly what I was expecting, mostly designed for the non-member guests that people brought, to sell them on the idea of joining Medifast.  But, I enjoyed the success stories shown on 2 large screens at the front of the room and several stories presented by people in the audience as well as the 2 great speakers.  The man that opened the program, David Bush, said he was the Center that hiked the ball to Curt Warner, when he was with the Iowa Barnstomers!

Then they had another program after an intermission that was for people that wanted to be Health Coaches.  This looks like something I could really get interested in.  I found out though that to be one, you have to have one, so I have decided to join with the Health Coach that the others in my Church are linked with, Christi Scroggs.

On Saturday, I went with a group of Seniors from our Church to a Bible Conference in Atlantic, Iowa.  This was another challenge, food wise, but I took celery sticks and several bars, just in case.  I knew in advance what the menu was, so had to improvise a bit.  For lunch, they had Lemon Chicken over noodles, rolls, tomatoes, jello salads & cookies.  I skipped everything except for 3 tomato slices and 2 Chicken patties.  I had to scrape the breading off of the Chicken patties, so, with some Ice Tea with ice to chew on,  I was able to stay OP! :)  For supper they had lunchmeat and bread to make sandwiches with and potato chips, jello salads and cookies.  I skipped it all and had a Oatmeal Raisin Crunch bar with some celery and my water.  Oh, after my lunch, I walked around the town for 25 minutes!

On the way home, they were eating chocolates from England or Ireland, but other than unwrapping one for the driver, I stayed away from them.  I did get several compliments for being strong enough to resist! :)

When I got home, I have my Green part in the form of a salad.

I'm going to try making a Taco Salad for my supper tonight.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Another Thursday Weigh-in -> 5 weeks into Program

We have been walking about 1 mile each day, about 30 minutes.  Will start ramping that up a bit this next week to 45 minutes.

Nothing else notable since returning from Branson.  Finished reading "The Secret Is Out" that I received with my first MF order.  Made another batch of muffins and had cauliflower pizza again.  I'm going to try Taco Salad this coming week!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Unrealistic Goals Based on BMI & Insurance Charts

I believe this is why 85% of Dieters are unable to maintain their goal and regain all the weight they lost!

BMI does not actually measure the percentage of body fat. It was invented between 1830 and 1850 by the Belgian polymath Adolphe Quetelet during the course of developing "social physics".

While the formula previously called the Quetelet Index for BMI dates to the 19th century, the new term "body mass index" for the ratio and its popularity date to a paper published in the July edition of 1972 in the Journal of Chronic Diseases by Ancel Keys, which found the BMI to be the best proxy for body fat percentage among ratios of weight and height; the interest in measuring body fat being due to obesity becoming a discernible issue in prosperous Western societies. BMI was explicitly cited by Keys as being appropriate for population studies, and inappropriate for individual diagnosis. Nevertheless, due to its simplicity, it came to be widely used for individual diagnosis, despite its inappropriateness.

In 1942, Louis Dublin, a statistician at Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, grouped some four million people who were insured with Metropolitan Life into categories based on their height, body frame (small, medium or large) and weight. He discovered that the ones who lived the longest were the ones who maintained their body weight at the level for average 25-year-olds.

These Metropolitan Life tables became widely used for determining recommended body weights. In 1942, the tables gave "ideal body weights." In 1959, they were revised and became "desirable body weights." And in 1983, they were revised once again, this time called "height and weight tables." The weights given in the 1983 tables are heavier than the 1942 tables because, in general, heavier people live longer today.
Experts have criticized the validity of these tables for several reasons:
1) Insured people tend to be healthier than uninsured people.
2) Frame size was never consistently measured.
3) The people who were included were predominantly white and middle-classed.
4) Some persons were actually weighed, some were not.
5) Some wore shoes and/or clothing, some did not.
6) The tables do not consider percentage of body fat or distribution, which are now known to be important factors in longevity.

In reality, "ideal body weight" is actually different for every individual and is dependent on health, body fat content and distribution, musculature, age, activity, metabolism, and a host of other factors that are not simple to measure accurately. For these reasons, you and your physician or dietitian must decide what your ideal weight should be. You probably have an idea what that weight is. Start conservatively. And if you reach your target weight and still feel you need to trim off additional weight, you always have option to set a new target goal.

It is much more realistic to have a target goal that you can maintain for life, than an unrealistic one that you have to be constantly "yo-yoing" to get back to!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Southern Gospel Picnic Exercise Program....:)

If you have ever been to Silver Dollar City, you will know this, if not, you need to know it is all hills!  Down and up them all day.  Yesterday, I figured we walked an hour, including a very fast pace after the last show to get to the Trams. Today we spent the whole day at SDC and I figured walking on hills for 1 hour and 30 minutes. We were there from 11AM to 4PM.   During our time at SDC the 2 days, we took in concerts by Down East Boys, True Heart Trio, The Williamsons, Dixie Echoes, Spoken 4 Quartet and Karen Peck and New River.

Yesterday we ate our supper at SDC, and I got a baked half chicken, with a salad and ranch dressing.  Today we went to Lonestar and I got the 6oz Bacon-wrapped Sirloin and asked them to leave off the bacon. They don't use butter grilling their steaks, so I was good there. I got the lettuce wedge and green beans as my sides. So, I was still able to stay OP and the steak and sides were delicious! Steak was quite tender too!

Both days I took bars with me to SDC. Having MF Belgium Waffles for breakfast each day and Chili for lunch on Thursday. I add a few spoons of salsa to it!

We are leaving Branson tomorrow. Going to the Precious Moments Chapel and Park in Carthege Missouri on the way home, then to Joplin to see the tornado damage, then to Kansas City to Sweet Tomatoes for late lunch. I'm going to fish out the large chunks of chicken from their Chicken Noodle Soup for the Lean and have make myself a large salad for the Green and should be ok. Looks like we may be driving home from KC in the rain in the afternoon then.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Today Cont'd...

Actually starting with yesterday, I walked up the steep hill in front of our Motel for about 1/2 mile and back, took me 30 minutes.  Did that again today, same route.  Both days I had to stop to rest 2 times on the steepest part of the climb up.  This morning I remembered to bring my camera with me so I could get some pictures of the sunrise and proof that I actually walked this far.  Well, I think the scale kinda proves I am doing some serious exercise! :)

Tuesday night we went to Kelly VanBurch, Magician Show.  We were surprised to find out he is a Christian.  He wasn't bashful about giving all glory to God throughout his performance and kept emphasizing that they were all illusions, even said there is no such thing as a psychic or mind reader.  At the end he gave a very simple gospel message too.  He turned girls into tigers.  Made a motorcycle disappear and immediately reappear in a nearby cage.  The finale was making a helicopter appear out of thin air!  In between he sawed 2 girls in half, one dressed in red and one in blue, switched the bottom half of their bodies and they came out with the colors accordingly switched!

On Wednesday we went shopping in the morning at Branson Landing and a few Craft stores. Ate supper at Montana Mike's Steakhouse. I had steak for the first time since going on Medifast.  In the evening I went up the Inspiration Tower at Shepherd of the Hills to view the countryside all around, then we went to the Shepherd of the Hills Play in the evening.

This morning at 10 AM we saw the Waltzing Waters as it reacted to 2 singers singing great gospel hymns.  This afternoon and tomorrow will be spent at Silver Dollar City for the Southern Gospel Picnic!

I'm such a loser.......YAY!!!!!!

Today was my weekly weigh-in day, and I surprised myself with a 7.3 lb loss.  Guess exercise really does make a difference!